Matthew is right that taxpayer subsidies are contrary to conservative principles. And Isabell is right that the stadium is a bad idea as a practical matter because of the traffic problems that it will cause.

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Dear Matthew and Andrew Loposser; LET me COUNT the ways that your argument about violating the GOP CREED is totally circuitous and not the way to convince people or approach people in the 8th district in the democratic City of Alexandria who don't give a DAMN about the GOP CREED. I grew up in the City of Alexandria and the 8th district where I held my breath until I turned blue.. whatever and was surrounded by the Democrats all around. Glenn Youngkin whom I do support got it through. As a long time Alexandrian I am opposed to use of the former Potomac Yards and everyone I know and grew up w/ including Democrats and GOP who NATIVE ALEXANDRIANs are opposed to this just like I went to TC Williams H.S (yes) and GMU but when Alexandria changed the name of TC Williams to Alexandria HIgh School, I stopped donating to the "Alexandria H.S" fund. The reason it is a bad idea has to do with the further traffic jams and local destruction of the local community: I haven't looked at the plans but that area which is part of what used to be called Arlandria and Del Ray is a mess.. and has always been a huge traffic jam mess: also located near National Airport.. routes. If you think that that TRAFFIC is a huge mess and road block now: WAIT UNTIL THAT STADIUM is put in there. HOLY TRAFFIC JAM! it will be like a mini Los Angeles parking lot.

That is the reason why it is not a good idea. Taking the approach that it "violates the Republican Creed" is very disingenuous in my opinion because no one, including Justin Wilson, and the Alexandria council clowns who are systematically destroying the City of Alexandria, including the Torpedo Factory Art Center and other local establishments to Californicate Virginia is the reason that long time residents like myself.. from all walks and parties are opposed to the "ALEXANDRIA STADIUM. We agree.. I just think the argument against it should be based in reality. :) I didn't even mention the money .. either.

have a great week. Isabell. Mt Vernon 8th district.

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